четвъртък, 29 януари 2009 г.

Ceramics Links

на снимките: моливник -ангоба; фрагмент от декоративна чиния на 3крачета- манган, глазури; фруктиера - окис и глазури

И един линк с полезни и изключително интересни връзки към национални и световни керамични музеи, асоциации; също така прегледи, демонстрации, и още куп любопитни препратки : http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/ceramics/links/index.html

сряда, 28 януари 2009 г.



Поникваш в моята глина
не казвам
не искам
не намеквам
просто ги има -
куп нежности
на забавен каданс
за бавен транс
забравен в нас...
С мръсна газ...
ще летим
В света сме загубени
Посоката няма значение -
ще сме там
ще преспим
ще сме влюбени
до последното изречение

Косата ми ще е като пшеница
а тялото ми загоряло
Глазурата на утре-то ще се нанася
върху дълбоката паница
на бъдещето изветряло –

Всъщност, то тече
много по-плавно
от тези криволици.
То е като бавно проникване
както само ти го правиш,

Настроения на края на света

Кръчма (не) на края на света

Тази кръчма не е на края на света
По-скоро е в началото на лятото
или по средата на млечният път
който се стича на тънка струйка
между гърдите ми
Тази кръчма е някъде там
където се подава едва- едва
крайчеца на зърното ми
от розовият сутиен
и връхчето на кичура ми
замръкнал в устата ти...
Тази кръчма не е на края на света
Тя дори не е обичайното място
за любовни бири

(част от картините са в съавторство с Ерика- 5г.; смесена техника върху дърво, шперплат, хартия. бел.авт. )

Първите вази на Ерика

Ерика, 5г.
Erika, 5 years old
Първата вазичка на Ерика, напълно самостоятелно изработена и глазирана от нея - 2008г., Троян. Има и две изработени в Родопите - предстои да бъдат качени. Двете по-големи вази, са глазирани от нея също (с малко помощ).

И един полезен линк към великолепният сайт на Археологически музей "Велики Преслав":

събота, 24 януари 2009 г.


Рисувани керамични плочи и листо абстракт - автор Ерика, 6г.

петък, 16 януари 2009 г.

Introduction to Ceramics & Pottery

на снимката : ваза, ръчна изработка
You are viewing an Expert Village Video Series:
Ceramics can be fun! Learn how to create clay pottery such as pinch pots, coil pots, and mugs in this free arts and crafts video series. There are 20 videos in this series.

Contact: Crealde.org
Expert: Vincent Sansone is Director of the Ceramics department at Crealde School of Art in Winter Park, Fl. He holds a MFA in ceramic arts and teaches classes weekly at Crealde. You can find out more by visiting www.Crealde.org or by visiting the school on your next trip to the Orlando area.

International Ceramics Studio

International Ceramics StudioH-6000 Kecskemét, Kápolna u.11, Hungary

The International Ceramics Studio (ICS)is a ceramic art centre located eighty kilometres south of the Hungarian capital, Budapest.
The ICS was created in Kecskemét on the initiative of Hungarian artists who had felt culturally and ideologically isolated. It was the wish for freedom and the desire to work alongside international artists that led to the founding of the centre.
The mission of the studio is to promote the formal, aesthetic and technical development of ceramics and to help foster creative skills. The studio is open to all challenges of ceramic research, design and experiment. With this in mind the ICS offers modern facilities and kilns, ample studio space and technical support.
Since it's foundation in 1978, the ICS has been maintained by the local council of Bacs Kiskun County, which is famous for supporting culture.
Our facilities give artists an excellent opportunity to concentrate on their work in a creative and mutually supportive environment where new and imaginative ideas can be explored and realised.
The studio offers a residency program for artists who wish to work on their independently in the studios on their own projects. Parallel to this program we organise a thematic program which offers workshops, symposia, courses, talks and seminars.
After 10 years hosting the Master School of the Hungarian University of Arts and Crafts a new and exciting initiative is under way to create a university level, both graduate and post graduate, educational establishment with the University of West Hungary in Sopron. A new school based on 25 years of accumulated experience where, alongside professors, leading Hungarian artists and world famous teachers invited by the studio will teach while making their own art work. A special art complex is being created where - uniquely in the world - the invited masters, teachers and students will live, create and learn together in an atmosphere where art education, respect for the values of different cultures, tolerance and internationalism in the noble meaning of the word, will co-exist.
In 2001 the ICS became a non-profit foundation. It continues to be partially funded by the Town and County Councils.

сряда, 14 януари 2009 г.

School of Ceramics LA MERIDIANA

на снимката: рисувана керамична плочка, с миди и морски пясък
на снимката:Pietro Elia Maddalena burning

The School of Ceramics LA MERIDIANA organizes residential Pottery Workshops and Ceramic Courses with internationally renown ceramic artists since 1981. The workshops are of one or two weeks and topics refer to most pottery and ceramic technical and aesthetical issues.Throwing, handbuilding and decoration techniques, research and glaze technology, building and firing of kilns (wood firing, raku, soda & salt, majolica, stoneware, naked raku, terra sigillata, etc.) The different classes are intended for both the beginner and advanced or for the professional potter.
The Ceramic School is set in a restored 15th century farmhouse, in the centre of Tuscany, land of Etruscan and Roman culture, medieval architecture and renaissance splendour. An ideal place for the continual education on ceramic art and a meeting ground for international patrons willing to share Italian culture.
“Concreta”, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Sculpture held in Certaldo (Florence) with masters of modern ceramics represented each year, and the annual Clay Seminar complete our main cultural activities.

La Meridiana is a non-profit institution for the advancement of the ceramic arts. It has been founded in 1981 by Pietro Elia Maddalena. Started off as a summer school, thanks to the high standard of organisation, teaching and facilities, it has become the most important private ceramic school in Italy. The standard of teaching and facilities are inducing to a most fruitful and rewarding learning experience. The perfect environment and the friendly atmosphere make it a place for a great holidays.


COSTIS pottery workshop in Limenas Thassos

Costis is the only one (and hopefully not the last one) for the moment who continues a tradition of over 3000 years of pottery in Thassos. His grandfather founded the pottery workshop on 1912 and Costis is continuing the family tradition. His inspiration comes from the ancient Greek motives and today’s life.
A visit to his little store at the end of south-west Limenas (Thassos town) is a must. There you can purchase an original piece of Thassian tradition in affordable price.
п.п. ...:)
Музеите в Тасос

The Polygnotos Vagis Museum, Potamia Tel: 003 2593 061400The Vagis Museum houses traditional, realistic, and abstract art by Polygnotos Vagis. This Thasian emigrant became one of the most important sculptors in the US. His works are displayed in many American museums today. He died in New York on March 11th, 1965.
The Archaeological Museum, in Limenas Extensive collections of archaeological artifacts, gleaned from excavations carried out at various times, are kept and displayed in the Museum, regarded as being one of the most important in the Greek provinces. Important architectural elements, outstanding examples of pottery, sculpture, statuettes, terra cotta figurines of various periods, coins, relief plaques, amphorae and a wide variety of other vessels and objects permit us to form an idea of the institutions, life, mores and artistic tendencies of the island’s inhabitants during ancient times. Visit the Museum on line
Folklore Museum of Theologos
Open 11:00-14:00 and 19:00-23:00 all daysIt is hosted by a communal building owned by Metaxa Chatzigiorgi, situated in the centre of Theologos and is operated by the local cultural association Chatzigiorgis.At the first floor are exhibited miniatures of industrial equipment of the past such as mules, water mules etc.The second floor is an example of traditional house of Thassos decorated with traditional customs and handicrafts.
Folklore Museum of Limenaria
Open 19:00-23:00 all day.It is hosted at the centre of Limenaria and is operated from the local cultural association KASTRO.There are exhibited tools of tradional professions, utensils of the household and traditional costumes of Thassos. At the second room are exhibited old photos sculptures and ceramics.
Folklore Museum of Kalirachi
It is hosted by a communal building which has been recently renovated and is operated by the local cultural association.The house has been completely renovated including its own furniture and traditional handicrafts which works as exhibits.
Private Museum Papageorgiou
It is situated at the settlement behind Limenaria Kalivia. As long as I will collect more information I will present them here.Open only after appointment.

с разчекната кръв свенливо циркулираща
зад кожа от спокойствие и бор
отпивам през сламка нектара на небето

дълбае уязвимо сиртаки в пясък без име
потапям се в прохладните любовни обичаи
с лекото превъзходство на пчела

отпращам разтопеното сребро на чайките
зад челото на пухкавата жега
обитавам вълните направени от самота

и ето ме в градината на таверната
където звездите ще трошат чинии цяла нощ
в сърцето ми,

натъпкано с теб

понеделник, 12 януари 2009 г.


Линк към AMOCA

А ето го и Хиромо Окуда в действие

и още нещо магическо: